
Getting back to my Authentic Self

  • Screen time

    Screen time

    This is something that has crept up on me. I’ve always had strong opinions on the way mobiles have changed the world and lead to us becoming disconnected from reality. Over the last few years I’ve found myself wasting so much time scrolling endlessly on stuff that adds no value to me. It was neverContinue… read more…

  • Avoidance


    I know I have a lot to say about a lot of things really, lots of thoughts to share and reflect on. I’ve been doing the classic ‘do anything other than what I know is good for me’. I’m very good at keeping my physical discipline, exercising every day and setting targets/goals to keep meContinue… read more…

  • Engaged


    Or lack thereof. That’s been the pattern since my last post 18 months ago. It’s a funny (not funny) thing that creeps up and gets chipped away at. I’ve realised that I’m an introvert who learned to become an extrovert. I learnt to trust myself and my judgement and to just be myself. Since theContinue… read more…

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