Reality vs Theory

Reality vs Theory. I experienced something yesterday that raised a point within myself. It’s easy to think that I am accepting of the way society is, until I’m faced with a situation that makes me practice that theory.

I was attending an event at RMIT Uni and needed the toilet, a fairly normal process in my head and in practice. I headed towards the sign and saw a ‘gender neutral’ toliet, I thought ‘OK, I’ll keep going and look for the men’s’. I continued, walking past the disabled toilet and came to the end of the space. No men’s toilet?? What now?? I headed back towards the gender neutral toilet and nervously opened the door. A man came out as I was going in and there was a woman washing her hands. It felt weird sharing the same space.

I realised that I had a reaction to something that I was unfamiliar with, but that in my head accepted.

It reminded me of the time that I went swimming and couldn’t find the men’s changing rooms. Instead there was a ‘changing village’, initially it felt odd but I soon adapted and it is now the norm for me.

So, what’s the message here? We are only really challenged when we face a real situation, despite how we think we will react.

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