The art of not being present.

The art of not being present. I can be really good at this at times, this last week has been an example. Too many thoughts about past and future, worry, guilt, stress, anxiety, it’s a long list. It’s clouded my head for over a week and has lead to a lack of joy or gratitude. I’m working from fear again. Fear about an uncertain future and lack of faith that all will be OK. It normally leads to destructive behaviour and self sabotage, which it has this time around. Isolation has been an old coping strategy which has never served me. It’s funny how despite all the changes I’ve made I still sometimes go back to old behaviours. It’s still really hard to reach out and be truly vulnerable when things are tough. It’s a tough process and a hard nut to crack. I have the tools and I’m choosing not to use them. It’s strange. Anyway, I’m back to share the current phase, no wise words but hopefully some reflection.

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