
Another appropriately timed podcast listen this morning. Today was Simon Sinek – Thinking Differently with Matthew Barzun . A couple of things jumped out for me.

The first one was pyramid vs. constellation thinking. There were so many great examples and analogies to compare these two ways of thinking. Pyramid is hierachical, top-down/bottom-up whereas constellation has no hierachy and is, from the outside, chaotic. Society mainly falls into pyramid but the whole point of the podcast was to offer this alternative view, hence ‘Thinking Differently’. I’d like to think of myself as someone who thinks differently, which leads me onto the second takeaway for me.

Matthew asked Simon a question along the lines of ‘if the world isn’t black and white, what is it?’. Simon answered ‘mulitcoloured’. This was the answer that only 1 in 10 people said when Matthew had asked this question previously. It reminded me of my recent blog where I talked about things not always being black and white, and sometimes grey is OK. Well, I fell into the 9 out of 10 people in this instance. Good timing!

Even better timing was how it directly related to a purchase I made recently. You’ve seen the picture!! I absolutely love it, I’ve called him ‘Freddie’. So, zebras are black and white and if they’re not then they’re a grey horse (not very inspiring or stand out). Apologies if there are any grey horses reading this, it’s just my opinion. Oh, fine line here, I’ve basically now offended zebras by saying they’re a stripy horse. Anway, back to ‘Freddie’, he’s the alternative way of thinking and I’ll have my daily reminder that the world is in fact multi-coloured! A reminder that there is so much beauty and freedom in looking at the world in a different way.