
Resistance. Resistance is futile. What you resist persists. The quotes are endless!


The shortest sentence ever. And that’s what surrender is. So. OK.

Now I’ve previously talked about surrender being a positive. It still may be, but from a different angle.

There’s been this thing going on that I don’t agree with. I’ve been spending my time thinking about it and plotting about how I’m going to beat it. Problem is that you can’t beat collective fear. I’ve said it’s (the response to the pandemic) like building a wall to contain a bushfire/tidal wave and I’m doing the same thing. Who am I in the whole scheme of everything?

I’ve learnt a lot in the process. Apartheid. Why can’t I be the 21st century Rosa Parks? I’ve got too much to lose (even though I haven’t), she didn’t have social media/media pressure. I really do have no excuse apart from I don’t want the fight. I’ve fought so much already and had planned so much more but the stress of fighting is greater than the cost of surrender. It’s always a cost benefit analysis with me and the cost outweighed the benefit. I’m proud I’ve taken this long and I’m also sad that I’ve given in.

Have I? Well, yes, to my principles. I’ve said I’ll ‘die in a ditch’ for it. But why? Pride? To be right? To not be controlled. To stand up for what I believe to be right/wrong. This is a pivotal moment in history. All I can do is hold out til the last 10% and write a blog about it. But at least I did that, and for that, I’m proud of myself.

So, if that’s all I go down in history for is holding out until society beats me to a pulp then yeah, I’ve done my job.

I absolutely 100% don’t agree with what the government/media/social media has done to the culture but I accept it. I AM NOT PART OF IT. I really don’t like the way there is so much polarisation, just because you don’t agree then you’re anti-vax. What I don’t agree with is being bullied, I’m more than happy with my immune system.

Victoria is dead to me and I will never forget this moment (and the previous few months). Victoria is boasting about being a ‘world leader’ in percentage vaxxed – no shit, you coerced and bullied despite Australia not mandating it. Politics at its best.

The fight will go on, as the saying goes….

Lose the battle to win the war.

But my energy is best spent enjoying life……