
I just did a Clifton Strengths test at work and the results confirmed the belief I have in myself. I guess they would as the results are based on the answers I gave. I don’t mind sharing these with the world, as it’s who I am.

I’m yet to do the next step but I found the report interesting. What to do with it next?

Ignore, build on strengths, work on weaknesses, work on both….

For me, I’d like to focus on strengths. I’ve always said there’s no point in trying to fit a square peg in a round hold. Why would I try and be something that I’m clearly not? I guess there is merit in it in that it gives you another perspective. I guess it also makes you a more ’rounded’ person.

A recent analogy comes to mind…..

I’ve enjoyed running since I started in 2006. I found it easy and I could achieve things with minimal training or effort (I even began to take it for granted). I guess that came over time. Well, at the start of the year I got injured. Running was my identity (and strength) and when I couldn’t do it I felt lost. There was a feeling of loss and grief, particularly as it was my way of getting perspective/mental health (and obviously keeping fit (and eating/drinking what I like)).

So, I decided to do something, something that I’d avoided forever. Swimming. I’d avoided it because I wasn’t very good, I couldn’t breathe properly. So I decided to give it a go and push through the initial frustration and discomfort. I needed to give myself grace that I wasn’t supposed to be good with no effort. I was comparing myself to others. Not a good approach.

I persisted and got better, slowly. I even asked for help from people who could swim – hints and tips. It gave me the confidence to do a couple of sprint triathlons and I was happy with just being able to do it. I’ve continued and now swim 2-3 times a week in the sea. It’s given me a sense of achievement!

So, coming back to the start of this process, there is some merit in working on things I’m not that good at. The important thing is that I’m not that good and AND I want to improve. No point in trying to improve in an area I have no interest in.