Getting back on the bike

I wrote the following whilst on my first hike on the Great Ocean Walk (April 15-17th). I had lots of time on my own and in nature, and being dark just after 6pm, it was too early to try and sleep….

Getting back on the bike. Wow, not a blog all year. I still have many thoughts, reflections, ideas but they come and go without me capturing them.

So, here I am again, getting back on the bike. It’ll feel a little wobbly for for the first few minutes but then everything will come back to me.

So, what have I got to say right now? Not a great deal, I’m currently on my second day of my first overnight hike. I’ve learnt lots and it’s been an amazing experience. The days leading up to my first time at anything were anxiety ridden. Packing, weight, logistics, so many things unknown. But, I’m here, two days down and in my tent for the second evening. Last day tomorrow, I’m sure there’ll be mixed emotions and I’ll be sure to spend time reflecting and writing.

I’m looking forward to doing more.