
This has been on my mind lately and there’s been signs (literally) everywhere. All about shining your light in a dark world. And what a dark world we currently live in, in my view alot of darkness is driven by fear. One of my favourite quotes is from Marianne Williamson and it’s very appropriate atContinue reading “Light”


And just like a hangover after drinking too much, there’s now an emotional hangover from feeling too much. There should be a sense of relief and freedom from taking action. I know there will be in time, but the initial thoughts are around doubt, fear, judgement and maybe even a feeling of regret and failure.Continue reading “Hangover”


Where the mind goes, the man follows. It’s a quote from somewhere but it’s so true. It’s great to have a creative mind when I use it in a positive way, to see opportunities, to have fun, to find humour, to explore, to solve problems. It’s not so great when it’s used in a negativeContinue reading “Seed”


Freedom. I’ve been thinking about this quite a bit lately. There was obviously alot of physical restrictions on freedom last year (and still ongoing restrictions internationally). I’m thinking more about mental and emotional freedom. We’re all technically free to live whatever life we choose (within the law, etc) but I know that I’m not, soContinue reading “Freedom”


Even seeing or hearing the word conjurs up a negative thought. Why is that? As babies and toddlers we have no concept of the label ‘failure’ or ‘success’, we just ‘do’ until we achieve what we set out to achieve. But as a baby we don’t even set out to achieve, as in we don’tContinue reading “Failure”


There’s alot of things coming out of the decision at the weekend, some good, some challenging (isn’t all challenging good??). Initially (and it’s still there to a degree) is the focus on what I’ve lost, my ability to run. As a runner, it’s my identity, who am I if I can’t run? Well, I’m stillContinue reading “Gratitude”


Where do I start on this one? Background – I’ve been running really well, the best I ever have lately. But I’d been noticing a heel pain in the mornings or after rest. I don’t do doctors, etc but decided to google it, turns out it’s plantar fasciitis. This was 2 weeks ago so IContinue reading “Ego”